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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo


Art provides rich experiences that engage, inspire and challenge all pupils. At Bacton, children develop a wide range of skills and the confidence to experiment, through which they are able to reflect on their personalities. Pupils have opportunities to deepen their critical thinking by looking in detail at famous artworks. We actively explore how art reflects our diverse culture, shapes our history and contributes to our nation’s heritage and identity.

Useful websites

Tate Gallery

The National Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery

Draw with Rob. Great website for simple drawings children love to follow.

During 2024 we took part in Jubilant, engaging creative practitioners from a variety of art forms to work within local schools leading to the creation of a cultural activity that was showcased to the public at one of the town’s venues as part of a mini-youth festival. This video showcases the wonderful work that was created in schools across Stowmarket.  Our children worked with a local photographer to produce their own works of art (see video).

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